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Browse through your favorite skins in League of Legends. We've got you covered with the best skins LoL and Riot Games has to offer. The contrast between the light and dark is what makes the Justicar Aatrox skin, at the top of the best Aatrox skins list in League of Legends.

Ahri is based on the Asian mythical being , the Nine-tailed Fox. So what better skin is there to represent that than Foxfire Ahri. As a Riot Games favorite, you can be sure that this champion has a plethora of incredible skins in her skins pool. Riot did not slack on the remainder of her best skins either, however, with all of them being either a pop-culture reference or bearing an epic story. Akshan is one of the new League of Legends champions that is breaking the game.

His Cyber Pop Akshan skin, on the other hand, is breaking hearts. It showcases the potential of all the best Akshan skins , and what we can expect from future updates to his skin pool. The best of those is the Unchained Alistar skin.

Amumu, The Sad Mummy, is sad even in his best skins. None, however, bring a tear to our eye the way the Re-Gifted Amumu skin does. Anivia is one of the Freljordian divinities. Of those, the Blackfrost Anivia skin is the one that puts her on par with Volibear and Ornn. Her Red Riding Annie skin brought our thoughts to life. Not all of her best skins are light-hearted, however. Some are the stuff of nightmares. Though his abilities kit may be the most complicated, his best skins play on his looks and are quite straightforward.

The future Queen of Freljord cannot have her best skin be anything other than Freljord Ashe. This skin puts Ashe in her base environment, while the rest of her best skins take her all across Runeterra and beyond. Before his imprisonment, Aurelion Sol shaped stars with his power.

His Storm Dragon skin gives us a glimpse of what he once was. An emperor that is also a Divinity, Warring Kingdoms Azir uses his base lore and combines it with Chinese history into a work of art. The most famous Bard skin is his Astronaut Bard skin. And for good reason, as the base Bard movement animations match perfectly to what astronauts look like in zero-gravity. Of course, as a Cosmic being, this is not the only skin portraying him as a traveler, with h is best skins list containing a few more of those.

League of Legends players often forget that Blitzcrank is a Zaunite champion. His Victorious Blitzcrank skin, with its design, is there to remind us of that fact. Brand is power incarnate, even more so than Xerath. Eternal Dragon Brand is a hot skin, in a literal and figurative sense. The other skins in his skins pool go with the route of power that corrupts, literally. If there is one League of Legends champion you would like to be your secret Santa, that would be Braum.

Hence, the Santa Braum skin. As Braum says, the heart is the strongest muscle , and the bravery displayed in all of his best skins proves his point. With the rise of Arcane, the interest in this LoL champion has risen as well.

Her Legendary skin, Battle Academia Caitlyn, tells you all you need to know about this champion. Though the Battle Academia Caitlyn skin is a Legendary one, her skins list still contains some skins capable of rivaling it in quality, such as her Prestige skin. Camille is an old-money type of champion. One that will do anything to keep the status quo, and her Arcana Camille skin shows her inherent superiority.

Though base Camille may be born into authority, Riot take her power away with the rest of her skins , and portray her as everything from a witch, to a robot. Even with her half-snake look, there is no doubt that Cassiopeia is a femme fatale. Her Spirit Blossom skin is the one that explores this part of her the best.

Her best skins all explore at least one facet of this part of her design. Corki is a League of Legends champion that does not take itself too seriously. Hence, his Corgi Corki skin is the one that takes the cake of all his best skins.

Now, the champion has moved on to new things, however. As such, this is the best skin Darius has, by popular vote. Her Lunar Goddess Diana skin shows the beauty of this celestial body perfectly. Her battle-lust and perseverance are explored with her other skins , quite thoroughly. With his Corporate Mundo skin, he is definitely a successful businessman, though.

The rest of his skins pool places him in other silly situations, befitting his innocently crazy base design. League of Draven is best encapsulated in his Gladiator Draven skin.

After all, gladiators thrive with the adoration of the masses. One of them is, literally, big-headed. Talk about subtlety. One of the most famous fantasy time-travel stories is the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Not all of his skins are references to pop culture, though, with his skin pool containing quite a few original works, based on both sci-fi and fantasy.

Elise is the embodiment of the Black Widow trope in League of Legends, with her Bewitching Elise skin playing up this part of her design. Evelynn is more than just her looks, however, which can be noticed on the rest of her skin pool. Her best skin s range from silly ones to ones of destruction and anarchy.

The most famous Pulsfire skin belongs to Ezreal. Then again, so do the other Ezreal skins. A good Fiddlesticks player always makes it a surprise whenever he ults the enemy team. Therefore, we have the Surprise Party Fiddlesticks skin. The Grand Duelist is a title for a serious person. No one can be serious in their pool clothes though. Not even Pool Party Fiora. This skin is an exception, as her best skins all portray Fiora either as a killing machine or as a master fighter.

He may not look like it at first glance, due to his nautical roots, but Fizz is a yordle. He is also incredibly dangerous, as evidenced by his Captain Ahab-inspired Fisherman Fizz skin. Just like Corki, this champion does not take itself too seriously, with one of his best skins making him a cute dog.

There is no way to make a skin for Galio, and not make him a colossus. His Enchanted Galio skin is a prime example of that fact.

What is better than a pirate? A space pirate! The Deadnova Gangplank skin proves this statement completely. Gangplank has reached the top of the pirate world, so Riot always make his best skins take place in an alternate universe, where he is either a sultan or the party king. God-King Garen is a Legendary skin.

Only the ancient Elderwood forest is somewhat familiar, thus Elderwood Gnar was born. Gnar is an ancient yordle, and is nothing if not crafty and ingenious, being adaptable even in the void of space, as one of his best skins , Astronaut Gnar can attest to, as well. Gragas is the closest thing League of Legends has to a fantasy dwarf.

If there is one League of Legends champion to describe as a wretch , it would be Graves. As such, we nominate Cutthroat Graves for his best skin. Not even the rest of his skin pool , containing skins such as Battle Professor Graves, can chase away the knowledge of what Graves is truly like. Gwen is certainly not what we expected from an undead doll. Where Gwen is not the undead we expected, Hecarim is just that and so much more.

Still, his best skin, Elderwood Hecarim, focuses on his mysterious nature , rather than his terrifying visage. In the case of Heimerdinger being big-headed denotes his intelligence, and not his arrogance. And what better skin to accentuate his scientific nature than Hazmat Heimerdinger. Heimerdinger is not all seriousness, however, and some of his best skins include him in all manner of wacky situations. A tall, buff priestess of the Void , and that is exactly what the Illaoi Voidbringer skin is.

Irelia is the epitome of the stereotypical Chinese cultivator, wielding flying swords. And there is not better skin, among even the best Irelia skins , to represent that, than Divine Sword Irelia. Riot do not typecast Irelia, though, as the rest of her skins will tell you, taking her from sci-fi to the Wild West.

Surprisingly, or perhaps not with his tall body, Iver even shares the Dunkmaster skin with Darius, with it even being one of his best skins. Janna is supposed to be akin to a Goddess in Zaun.

Only her Sacred Sword Janna skin shows this transcendent part of her design , putting it at the top of her best skins. The most famous Janna skin is a bit on the silly side, using her wind element and making her a weather forecaster.

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